Photo by: Paulina Cerna | FMCN
The Connecting Watershed Health with Sustainable Livestock and Agroforestry Production project (CONECTA, acronym in Spanish), under the technical leadership of the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC, acronym in Spanish) and supported by FONNOR (Northwestern and Western Fund), the Gulf of Mexico Fund (FGM, acronym in Spanish) and the El Triunfo Conservation Fund (FONCET, acronym in Spanish), made significant progress in 2023 with the development of three action plans for the integrated management of watersheds, that will impact 217,629 hectares in the La Antigua River watershed, 423,056 in the Vallarta region, and 106,744 in the Isthmus-Costa de Chiapas region. Regarding community participation, 3,169 people dedicated to production activities have been actively involved in efforts aimed at adopting better management practices. In addition, FONNOR is developing a hydrological environmental services program for the Sierra de Vallejo-Río Ameca Biosphere Reserve; FONCET, meanwhile, is providing guidance to strategic actors on the Spanish ECOGAN seal, which endorses the best practices of producers’ unions that practice regenerative livestock farming.