
Sustainable Management

Photo by:  Karín Mijangos

The Coastal Watershed Conservation in the Context of Climate Change (C6) project strengthened the management of 10 protected areas with returns from endowment resources. This initiative is a collaboration with the Gulf of Mexico Fund (FGM, acronym in Spanish) and FONNOR (Northwestern and Western Fund), which promotes community participation. In 2023, the achievements in the supported protected areas were particularly noteworthy, especially in the Sierra de Vallejo-Río Ameca, whose strategic planning contributed to the area being declared a Biosphere Reserve. The C6 project has promoted the projects Connecting Watershed Health with Sustainable Livestock and Agroforestry Production (CONECTA, acronym in Spanish) and River Restoration for Climate Change Adaptation (RÍOS, acronym in Spanish), which, under the coordination of the FGM and FONNOR, have achieved their objectives, reinforcing the commitment to landscape conservation, and promoting new alliances for environmental protection in Mexico.

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