
Photo by: Paulina Cerna | FMCN

The Protected Areas Fund (FANP, acronym in Spanish) celebrated its 25th anniversary, consolidating itself as a key financing mechanism for biodiversity conservation in Mexico. Thanks to a solid alliance with the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP, acronym in Spanish) and the support of a broad network of donors, this fund mechanism has been a pioneer in supporting the operation of 70 terrestrial and marine protected areas, covering 57% of the protected national terrestrial territory and 35% of the protected marine territory. Likewise, the Fund highlighted its success stories and lessons learned with the publication of the book FANP: 25 Years, 25 Stories, a vivid testimony of local experiences in the supported protected areas. Additionally, in 2023, it supported the updating of conservation strategies in priority protected areas and strengthened the response to environmental emergencies in collaboration with CONANP, the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR, acronym in Spanish), the Ministry of the Navy (SEMAR, acronym in Spanish) and members of community brigades, highlighting its fundamental contribution to sustainable management of Mexico’s natural resources through inter-institutional cooperation.