
Photo by:  Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo Sustentable, A. C. (ENDESU)

The Endangered Species Conservation Fund (FONCER, acronym in Spanish), financially managed by FMCN, has established itself as a key pillar for biodiversity protection in Mexico. This long-term financial mechanism, focused on the conservation of priority species and their habitats, has strengthened the management of protected areas and specific conservation strategies for the recovery and maintenance of endangered species. In 2022, FONCER closed its last call for proposals, which focused on the conservation of critical species such as the Olive ridley and Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, the Peninsular pronghorn, the California condor, and the Mexican wolf. Thanks to its perennial nature, FONCER continues to generate resources that will be allocated to future conservation actions, ensuring the ongoing protection of the country’s endangered wildlife.