Marine and Coastal Monitoring


Photo by:  J. A. Alcántara Maya

In April 2023, the Marine and Coastal Monitoring project concluded, marking a milestone for researching and conserving Mexico’s marine and coastal ecosystems. In collaboration with the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO, acronym in Spanish), it promoted the use of remote sensing technologies and identified the distribution of the red mangrove. The project consolidated the infOCÉANOS metadata platform, which provides a solid foundation to avoid duplicate efforts and guide future research toward critical areas for the knowledge and management of marine resources. Furthermore, the project’s legacy is evident in the publication by biologist Leonardo Vázquez, Diagnosis of Aquaculture in Mexico, which was recognized with second place in the 2020-2022 Sustainable Fishing and Aquaculture Award, highlighting the importance and sustained impact of the assessment even beyond its conclusion.