Calakmul Conservation Fund


Photo by: Cintia Landa | FMCN

The Calakmul Conservation Fund, supported by the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR, acronym in Spanish), has established since 2017 a payment initiative for environmental services in the Pustunich and Yohaltún ejidos, located in the buffer zone of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. These annual payments have been a key pillar for the protection of valuable forest areas. At the same time, the association Amigos de Calakmul has maintained continuous monitoring of forest cover in these ejidos, and according to the findings of the 2022 report, the vegetation areas have not suffered significant alterations. However, small clearings and the presence of people in restricted areas have been identified, leading to an increase in surveillance patrols and forest protection actions to ensure the integrity of the ecosystem.

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